Contact Us

Contact Information

Address: 353 Upson Hall
Phone: 607 255-1650
Twitter: @AndarawisPuri_Lab

Research Opportunities for Master’s Students

We are seeking an M.S. or M.Eng. student to work on the following project:

The goal of this project is to determine the impact of tendon fatigue injuries on tendon’s micromechanical behavior and subsequent biological outcomes. The student will design, build, and validate a novel mechanical testing system that will be used to perform live-cell and second harmonic generation imaging of the rodent patellar tendon microenvironment under applied bulk strains. Using our lab’s established cell-matrix strain algorithm, the student will quantify cellular deformation, extracellular matrix deformation, and the relationship between these two deformations in naive and fatigue injured rodent patellar tendons. Additionally, the student will investigate whether cellular mechanotransduction and other biological outcomes are affected by changes to the tendon microenvironment that occur as a result of fatigue injury.

Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

Undergraduates interested in working in the Andarawis-Puri Lab should apply online using this Google Form.